Colour & Vision

Interesting & inspiring visit to the Natural History Museum today to see the Colour & Vision exhibition.

Took a few pics – couldn’t resist a play. Plus, treated myself to Philip Ball’s Bright Earth: The Invention of Colour. Lots of new ideas to explore…

Back to it

Been a couple of weeks since I’ve ventured out with the camera – life has been a blur of other things instead. End of term, start of the summer holidays, website to plan, words to write, etc., etc.

I’ve also been revisiting the images taken recently & having a play with formats. Is quite nice creating some new pieces…


Bushy Park 10 July 2016

After a very dull start to the day then an afternoon of finishing off my final blog post for Dreams/Reality, it was time to get some fresh air & sunshine.

Even though I was hankering for a break from photography, I couldn’t resist slipping my D5500 into the handbag. Good job I did. The light & sky were amazing so out came the camera for a few ‘fun’ shots.

Feeling a bit more refreshed when I returned home, I had a quick edit & play in Camera Raw with what I’d captured.

Sunday Stroll

After a couple of days of writing up course blog posts & looking at printed images for my final selection, it was a relief to get out for a walk this afternoon.

Accompanied by my daughter, we had a lovely potter along the riverside at Twickenham. As always these days, I had my camera in my bag. Couldn’t resist taking a few photos. Then having a play when I got home…